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Hail Report  
Hail Report Information
Station Number: CO-JF-267
Click to enlarge image.
Station Name: Golden 9.4 WNW
Date: 5/28/2008
Submitted 2/17/2009 4:14 PM
Taken at registered location: True
Notes: The hail I report on 5/28/2008 fell sometime between ~5:00 PM on 5/27 and 6:15 AM on 5/28. The rain gauge had accumulated ~0.005" before ~5:00 PM on 5/27, and I measured a total of 0.01" in at 6:15 AM on 5/28. I am surprised by how many indentations (~8064)were produced by .005" of frozen precip. ALSO, I am puzzled about 1)How to determine the smallest indentation to count as a hailstone strike. 2)I am unclear about the mathematics for relating the "average distance between hailstone indentations on your pad" to the "number of stones per square from hailpad". 3)The paper CoCo RaHS Hail Report form is not entirely consistent with the on-line hail report. 4) I have annotated the hail pad that I will submit and supplement it with an email and attachments to Nolan Doesken after I have thought about it some more. For results to be consistent, clear procedures need to be defined. In the past I have been more conservative about counting indentations on the assumption that large stones broke into many tiny stones, each making a separate indentation. However, today only about 10 indentations came close to indicating stones approaching 1/4" in diameter. email: Added count. CK
Hail Obs Photo
Hailstone Information
Largest Size: 1/4" Pea Size
Average Size: Rice
Smallest Size: Rice
Stone Consistency: Hard
Hail Storm Information
Duration Minutes: NA
Duration Accuracy:
More Rain than Hail: False
Hail Started:
Largest Hail Started:
Damage: no damage
Hail pad information
Angle of Impact:
Number of Stones On Pad: 3398
Distance Between Stones On Pad: .1
Depth Of Stones on Ground:
Has Samples: False