Hail Report Information |
Station Number: |
MS-OK-17 |
Station Name: |
Starkville 1.3 NE |
Date: |
4/20/2011 5:10 PM |
Submitted |
4/21/2011 10:42 PM
Taken at registered location: |
True |
Notes: |
At about 5:24 hail got smaller, apx 1/4 inch. At 5:28 larger irregular shaped hail stones began (3/4 inch x 1/3 inch) Some may be 1 inch long. Collected and preserved samples at 5:35 PM. Hail and rain tapered off at 5:38 PM. Biggest ones were about 0.5 inches in diameter. Examination of a photograph of the hail that began at 5:10 PM showed that disc shaped stone was 1.25 inches in diameter. It had a white ice core, surrounded by a circular band of clear ice, followed by an outer band of white ice. A jpeg photo (14 stones) is available upon request. Stones are being temporarily preserved in a 0-5 degrees F deep freeze.
[An additional period of hail occurred from about 6:35 to 6:45 PM, 1.5 miles southwest of this reporting location.] |
Hailstone Information |
Largest Size: |
1 1/4" Half Dollar Size |
Average Size: |
5/8" |
Smallest Size: |
1/4" Pea Size |
Stone Consistency: |
Hard, Mixed, Clear Ice, White Ice |
Hail Storm Information |
Duration Minutes: |
28 |
Duration Accuracy: |
3min |
Timing: |
Continuous |
More Rain than Hail: |
True |
Hail Started: |
After rain |
Largest Hail Started: |
After smaller hail |
Damage: |
no damage.minor leaf damage.shredded leaves.car dents |
Hail pad information |
Angle of Impact: |
vertical |
Number of Stones On Pad: |
Distance Between Stones On Pad: |
Depth Of Stones on Ground: |
Has Samples: |
True |