Hail Report Information |
Station Number: |
MD-PG-41 |
Station Name: |
College Park 1.2 NE |
Date: |
6/26/2009 6:25 PM |
Submitted |
6/26/2009 8:51 PM
Taken at registered location: |
False |
Notes: |
Observation was in downtown Silver Spring near the Metro station. Hail pad not present at this location - angle of impact is from observing the falling hail and should not be listed under the hail pad information section. High-based storm moved in from NW as a dark bumpy updraft base shaped like a J, with the curly part at the north end having a slightly striated laminar lowering, not rotating, was trailed by an impressive precip spout cascading from higher in the cloud. As the updraft base moved across, there was no notable gust front. As the spout moved across, there were waves of torrential rain blowing in bursts and gushes, as it seemed the horizontal velocity of the rain exceeded that of the near-surface wind. Small hail fell mixed in with the rain only at the very end of the storm. Lightning was mostly behind the heavy rain area. Most strikes were multistroke but only a single jagged line, no forks. Storm had a pretty anvil visible afterwards with a few mammatus bumps and I saw a brief rainbow to the east while the storm core was to the south.
I was not attentive to what time it was when the hail began, but the duration was just a couple minutes.
With the storm having such a high VIL (>55 overhead on COD radar page plots) for this area, I was hoping to see larger hail, though I should note another cell earlier in southern PA had a VIL exceeding 70 and hail reported there was less than an inch in diameter. |
Hailstone Information |
Largest Size: |
NA |
Average Size: |
1/4" Pea Size |
Smallest Size: |
NA |
Stone Consistency: |
Hail Storm Information |
Duration Minutes: |
2 |
Duration Accuracy: |
3min |
Timing: |
Continuous |
More Rain than Hail: |
True |
Hail Started: |
After rain |
Largest Hail Started: |
Same time as smaller hail |
Damage: |
no damage |
Hail pad information |
Angle of Impact: |
10-20 |
Number of Stones On Pad: |
Distance Between Stones On Pad: |
Depth Of Stones on Ground: |
Has Samples: |
False |